Olympic EZ bar
The slightly less supinated grip position can also allow you to train slightly heavier on bicep curls, as the brachialis is allowed to assist in the movement; developing this muscle as well. The brachialis lies underneath your bicep muscle and can lead to a more developed-looking upper arm. Brachialis development can also be beneficial to your strength levels as this often neglected muscle can be responsible for approximately 70% of arm flexing strength!
If you are looking for a way to train heavy without your wrists suffering for it, or simply want an effective way to be able to develop your brachialis muscle to a greater extent, then look no further than our curl bars!
Spring Collars additional
These cambered bars are a proven favorite of bodybuilders everywhere, and are a great way to perform intense arm training while placing less stress on your wrists.
NOTE: Made to fit 50mm Olympic Weight Plates
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These bars are designed specifically to position your wrists at an angle that places less stress on them when performing traditional arm exercises such as bicep curls, reverse curls, and tricep extensions.
The slightly less supinated grip position can also allow you to train slightly heavier on bicep curls, as the brachialis is allowed to assist in the movement; developing this muscle as well. The brachialis lies underneath your bicep muscle and can lead to a more developed-looking upper arm. Brachialis development can also be beneficial to your strength levels as this often neglected muscle can be responsible for approximately 70% of arm flexing strength!
If you are looking for a way to train heavy without your wrists suffering for it, or simply want an effective way to be able to develop your brachialis muscle to a greater extent, then look no further than our curl bars!
Spring Collars additional
These cambered bars are a proven favorite of bodybuilders everywhere, and are a great way to perform intense arm training while placing less stress on your wrists.
NOTE: Made to fit 50mm Olympic Weight Plates