Slam Balls

Slam Balls can be used to develop virtually every muscle group.

These balls don't bounce! A great way to perform exercises that involve explosive power.

Perform a wide variety of exercises to improve upper body, lower body, and core strength; flexibility; conditioning; and joint integrity.

Not suitable for slamming on rough surfaces (e.g. concrete, gravel).
Wear and tear due to impact on a rough surface is not covered under warranty.

R 200.00



1 In Stock

Slam Balls can be used to develop virtually every muscle group.

These balls don't bounce! A great way to perform exercises that involve explosive power.

Perform a wide variety of exercises to improve upper body, lower body, and core strength; flexibility; conditioning; and joint integrity.

Not suitable for slamming on rough surfaces (e.g. concrete, gravel).
Wear and tear due to impact on a rough surface is not covered under warranty.

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